Emiliano Jankowski

Director of Special Projects

Emiliano is our Director of Special Projects. After earning his degree in Computer Systems at the Universidad del Salvador in Neuquen (Argentina), Emiliano embarked on a diverse technology career leading high-level development projects around the world.

With an early background in ASP, Emiliano also built enterprise web applications in .NET 4 and JAVA before discovering a passion for all things PHP (especially CodeIgniter and WordPress). Embracing the energy of the WordPress platform and community, Emiliano brought his enterprise background to bear on advanced plugin and framework development projects. He now leads Dinkum’s investments in SEO, eCommerce, Membership, and analytics tools for WordPress.

After nearly four years in Barcelona, Spain, Emiliano returned to beautiful Neuquen, Argentina from which he directs a global team of designers and developers.

In his free time, Emiliano is an avid scuba diver and accomplished amateur photographer.

Recent Blogpost

WordPress Queries Solutions


When managing large WordPress websites that contain thousands of posts, pages, categories, comments, and hundreds of authors, there are times when you need to make extensive changes. For instance, you might need to convert all the posts under a certain category into pages, or remove all the comments marked as spam. Rather than spend hours, …
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Adding a Logout Link to Your WordPress Theme, Plugin or Widget

We have been chatting about various changes that make your WordPress site more useful for your viewers. Today, we will look at adding a custom logout link into your theme or plugin, so users can close their sessions. This is not complicated. Lets see how to do it: <pre lang=”php”> <a href=”<?php echo wp_logout_url(); ?>”>Logout</a> …
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Creating readme.txt for Our WordPress Plugin


We have been talking in previous posts, about the relevance of the readme.txt file, when you want to put put your plugin into the WordPress plugin directory. This is the text that explains about your plug in, answers common questions, thanks others for their input, and other like information. Sometimes, especially at the beginning, writing …
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Testing an XmlRpc server


We are developing a big plugin with a big xmlrpc interface, and sometimes it’s hard to test your functions, and see what are the results. Googling a bit I found a very cool tool. It’s open source so you can download it and test it, or even better, you can edit and add the things …
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Face recognition in an Open Source environment


Part of my job at Dinkum is to make sophisticated things happen for our website and marketing clients on a daily basis. One such request came a few months ago for a project we’re working on for the Marlboro Music Festival. The request? Help the Festival (which was founded in 1951 by the late, great …
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Adding Menu Options in WordPress


In my past few entries I’ve been exploring some of the basics that make WordPress “tick” and how we use these tools to increase functionality for your site within the WP ecosystem. As you’ve seen, these posts aren’t targeted specifically at general users, but they do have relevance to all of you non-techies out there: …
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Hooks, Action and Filters in WordPress


Before continuing adding features to our WordPress plugin, we need to know what hooks, actions and filters are. What does WordPress say? “Hooks are provided by WordPress to allow your plugin to ‘hook into’ the rest of WordPress; that is, to call functions in your plugin at specific times, and thereby set your plugin in …
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Writing Your First Plugin for WordPress: A Primer


Writing Your First Plugin for WordPress: A Primer One of the great things about WordPress is the possibility to add your own custom functions/processes/enhancements without “touching” the core system. It is what we call a “plugin”. The WordPress definition of a plugin is as follows: “A WordPress Plugin is a program, or a set of …
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We are around the world

Philadelphia The HQ, 4 Staff
Buenos Aires 3 Staff
Spain 1 Staff
Indonesia 8 Staff

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