
Categories for Dinkum

Web Design, Dinkum, WordPress

WordPress v Squarespace v Wix v…

by Paul Fleming On May 16, 2024

Since the early Internet days, there have been plenty of options for building a website which can be a tad overwhelming for newbies. If you didn’t know HTML, there were even options back in the stone age. We remember Geocities back in 1994 as one of the original ways to create your website without requiring … Read More


Promises and Shiny New Things

by Paul Fleming On June 5, 2023

We love to test and check new things out. That’s actually a large part of what got us all into this field and keeps us in this ever-changing landscape. There’s often something new or interesting to review and consider as part of our technical SEO service offerings. Web development certainly keeps evolving as new technologies … Read More


Proactive WordPress Management

by Paul Fleming On July 31, 2022

We’re fans of WordPress and have been for years. Seems there are plenty of other fans as well given that some 30% of all websites run it. That’s a lot. Still, like all CMS’s it’s not without its issues and maintenance is one of them. Core updates, plugin update, outdated themes, security issues. Add to … Read More


The Value of Website Management

by Paul Fleming On September 20, 2019

Having a website for your business is great. Actually it’s pretty essential. All too often though, after spending a great deal of time building a site and obsessing over every little detail, the excitement of the launch and the flurry of new and exciting information wanes and things suddenly run dry. Happens to the best … Read More


Continued Sustainable SEO

by Paul Fleming On December 31, 2017

Another year is upon us and looking back on this past year, we’ve once again been heads-down digging in to client requirements and our own internal tools and not practicing what we preach (though we did manage to squeak out an updated website). While SEO in general seems to be in a state of constant … Read More

Digital PR, Dinkum, Internet Marketing

Transitioning from Traditional Marketing to Digital Marketing: A Case Study

by Paul Fleming On February 13, 2015

Embracing online marketing for companies who are used to doing it all offline can be daunting. You’re looking around. Getting not insignificant quotes for upgrading your very dated website that you feel really hasn’t brought you any business over the past few years anyway. When it was launched, you thought it would bring customers scrambling for your … Read More

Dinkum, Internet Marketing

Onward to 2015

by Paul Fleming On December 29, 2014

We’ve been a little on the quiet side this past year, at least online. Usually we’ll muster a blog post a month plus a smattering of social activity but aside from the random share, definitely quiet. I have a feeling we’ll change that in 2015 but it wasn’t for any particular reason. We understand the challenges … Read More


A Digital Marketing Issue: Cheap SEO Services

by Paul Fleming On October 14, 2013

Since SEO has been around, especially in its early days, there was a large gap in understanding. It’s closed up a lot but certainly still exists. It was not uncommon to hear about someone offering to “SEO optimize your website” for a very small fee. I was often intrigued as to how these people or … Read More


Turning Your Projects into Content

by Guest Blogger On March 4, 2013

It’s 2013 and all bets are off when it comes to SEO tweaks and tricks. With a new year comes new strategies, and at the moment it’s all about producing high quality content. I’m talking about that head turning, juicy, delicious content you can’t help but sink your teeth into. The type of content even … Read More

Dinkum, SEO

SEO Sustainability

by Paul Fleming On February 4, 2013

As a long-term strategy, SEO is a good one. You shouldn’t necessarily be expecting that your SEO campaign is going to be an overnight hit (sometimes happens but rare) but you should also expect that the actions you do throughout your campaign, should last a long time and continue to grow. We’ve always appropriately pushed … Read More

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