
Categories for WordPress

Web Design, Dinkum, WordPress

WordPress v Squarespace v Wix v…

by Paul Fleming On May 16, 2024

Since the early Internet days, there have been plenty of options for building a website which can be a tad overwhelming for newbies. If you didn’t know HTML, there were even options back in the stone age. We remember Geocities back in 1994 as one of the original ways to create your website without requiring … Read More

SEO, WordPress

Launching a New Website – 3 Steps to Prevent the SEO Drop

by Paul Fleming On December 5, 2018

With all the information available, it seems that some of it still gets lost in translation. When it comes to SEO we are well aware that there is plenty of incorrect information but while it’s been around for some time, plus the fact that there continues to be more and more experts touting SEO knowledge, … Read More


WordPress Queries Solutions

by Emiliano Jankowski On October 16, 2012

When managing large WordPress websites that contain thousands of posts, pages, categories, comments, and hundreds of authors, there are times when you need to make extensive changes. For instance, you might need to convert all the posts under a certain category into pages, or remove all the comments marked as spam. Rather than spend hours, … Read More

Content Marketing, WordPress

When Online Goes Offline

by Jacob Smith On March 7, 2012

In the past, when something especially important happened to a client, Dinkum Interactive used to send them a batch of homemade cookies. And they weren’t just any cookies but decorated with the Dinkum Interactive logo. The cookies became one of our more effective marketing tools generating buzz, smiles, feedback and more. For a business like … Read More


Tips and Tricks for Safe Plugin Upgrades

by Jacob Smith On January 6, 2012

WordPress plugin upgrades are a fact of life for any website administrator and staying up-to-date with the latest software versions is something I recommend. Ever since WordPress made it one-click easy to update plugins (and even the WordPress core) a few years back, many have been lulled into complacency – updating the easy way without … Read More

Content Marketing, WordPress

Nurturing a Million Comments, One at a Time

by Jacob Smith On November 1, 2011

Through our connection with hosting company Voxel dot Net we sometimes get a call to help out with things that don’t directly relate to hosting.  A few months back, such a call came in the form of  MJ runs a great blog focusing on American Idol and other reality TV shows, and the magic … Read More

Content Marketing, WordPress

How Does Automattic Pay to Keep Developing WordPress?

by Jacob Smith On September 30, 2011

I’ve been recommending WordPress as a stable and yet fast-moving CMS to clients for years. The first few times I was surprised to get pushback about those shaky “open source” projects that fail after a few years (anyone remember the darling of the first tech boom – osCommerce?).  After a dozen times of receiving this … Read More


Adding a Logout Link to Your WordPress Theme, Plugin or Widget

by Emiliano Jankowski On September 20, 2011

We have been chatting about various changes that make your WordPress site more useful for your viewers. Today, we will look at adding a custom logout link into your theme or plugin, so users can close their sessions. This is not complicated. Lets see how to do it: <pre lang=”php”> <a href=”<?php echo wp_logout_url(); ?>”>Logout</a> … Read More


Creating readme.txt for Our WordPress Plugin

by Emiliano Jankowski On September 13, 2011

We have been talking in previous posts, about the relevance of the readme.txt file, when you want to put put your plugin into the WordPress plugin directory. This is the text that explains about your plug in, answers common questions, thanks others for their input, and other like information. Sometimes, especially at the beginning, writing … Read More


Testing an XmlRpc server

by Emiliano Jankowski On September 2, 2011

We are developing a big plugin with a big xmlrpc interface, and sometimes it’s hard to test your functions, and see what are the results. Googling a bit I found a very cool tool. It’s open source so you can download it and test it, or even better, you can edit and add the things … Read More

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