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– Dalai Lama

Internet Marketing, Social Media

Can You Have Too Much Information?

by Jacob Smith On April 25, 2012

More and more studies are finding that too much choice leads to poorer decision making. Sounds crazy and contradictory, I know. I read a fascinating opinion piece in the Sydney Morning Herald (Dinkum has strong Australian roots, after all) by Andrew Leigh that summarised some interesting research on this topic. Here are the best bits:- … Read More


Setting a Culture For Success

by Jacob Smith On April 24, 2012

If you feel challenged by change, you’re not alone. It’s a harsh truth that change is the new constant in our lives. Rogue management consultant, Steve Smolinsky, from Benari LTD argues companies need to acknowledge this fear and address it. “The vast majority of people, irrespective of culture, really don’t like change. They like to … Read More


Failure Is The Key To Success

by Jacob Smith On April 20, 2012

Which is worse? Is it taking a risk and failing or not taking a risk at all? Failure can be a tough teacher but according to Apple founder, Steve Jobs, it’s important to success. During a commencement address at Stanford University he said: “I didn’t see it then, but it turned out that getting fired … Read More

Content Marketing, Internet Marketing

The Secret to Never Running out of Blog Topic Ideas

by Jacob Smith On April 18, 2012

At Dinkum, we often ask our clients to write blogs. Blogging is supposed to be pretty free-form and perhaps because of this, people can get stuck at the beginning of the process: what to write about. If I had to choose the single most common impediment for would-be bloggers, it’s not time but ideas. “I … Read More

Internet Marketing

Hologram Resurrection Goes Viral

by Jacob Smith On April 17, 2012

This falls into the category of jaw-dropping ‘trend watch’. Heard of Coachella? It’s a music and arts festival held in Indio, CA that crosses many genres – rock, indie, hip hop and electronic – and has a reputation for pushing boundaries and trying new things. On Sunday night, it set the crowds and the Twittersphere … Read More

Email marketing, Internet Marketing

Chalk Another Win Up For Email Marketing

by Jacob Smith On April 13, 2012

What is the preferred (and most effective) form of permissions-based marketing? Drumroll please… Email marketing wins again. In fact, it’s been winning for a long time and it doesn’t look as though this will change any time soon. Exact Target put out the 14th edition of their annual “Subscribers, Fans and Followers” survey series and … Read More

SEO, Social Media

SEO Interest in Pinterest

by Jacob Smith On April 11, 2012

The web often has a “flavor of the month” platform. Some stick around, others fall by the wayside. The latest biggie is visual sharing website Pinterest which has proven to be a geek gals BFF. While female dominated (there are some guy’s versions, my favorite being, adoption of the system has been significant and, … Read More


Accountability: It’s Harder Than You Think

by Jacob Smith On April 10, 2012

“It’s not my fault.” “It’s not my responsibility.” If these phrases are commonly heard in your organization, you’ve got a problem. Accountability is more than a word you throw around to sound credible. Rogue management consultant, Steve Smolinsky, from Benari LTD, believes it’s crucial to the optimal functioning of your organization. “It’s one of the … Read More

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