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– Dalai Lama

Paid Search

Tips for Going Global with PPC

by Kerrilynn On November 6, 2012

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) should play an important part in your website’s local and international search campaigns, but it can take time to see results. By using Bing and Google’s PPC programs, companies can build brand awareness abroad and reach foreign customers more quickly. Here are a few tips to build your international profile. 1. … Read More


Juggling Your Way to Success

by Paul Fleming On October 30, 2012

Today, I attended a conference called ‘Mind and Its Potential’ which gathers leading researchers in brain science and cognition from eastern and western traditions. It was a fascinating day. I listened to V.S. Ramachandran, Professor with the Psychology Department and Neurosciences Program at the University of California, San Diego, discuss mirror neurons and Buddhist nun, … Read More

Digital PR, Internet Marketing

The Bar is Getting Higher, Faster

by Jacob Smith On October 23, 2012

If you’re in the internet marketing space, you’ll instantly know what I mean: the game is getting harder. We’ve gone from the days of adding the right keywords to the top of your page to a landscape where you have to DO something to capture the interest of your audience. This is no small task, … Read More


WordPress Queries Solutions

by Emiliano Jankowski On October 16, 2012

When managing large WordPress websites that contain thousands of posts, pages, categories, comments, and hundreds of authors, there are times when you need to make extensive changes. For instance, you might need to convert all the posts under a certain category into pages, or remove all the comments marked as spam. Rather than spend hours, … Read More


5 Reasons to do Weekly Website Reports

by Hendrik Ng On October 9, 2012

Maintaining a top performing website takes organization, especially if many people are involved. At Dinkum, we complete weekly reports of client websites to make sure we’re on top of, and delivering, optimum sites. Everyone can see where a site is at, and how to make it better. I’m in charge of compiling these weekly reports … Read More

Content Marketing, Dinkum

Reviews: are you swayed?

by Paul Fleming On October 2, 2012

Imagine you’re planning a holiday. You’ve picked the destination and booked the flight, but haven’t decided on the accommodation. How do you work out where to stay? You might ask friends or go for the well-known options. But most likely, you’ll head online to see what others say. And it’s likely you’ll be swayed by … Read More


Keeping Our Eye on Google

by Paul Fleming On September 25, 2012

Nobody’s perfect and no service is perfect, especially in the tech world where new services and offerings are a regular occurrence. Some launches are downright awful – others are groundbreaking. And even the groundbreaking ones were once a work in progress. It’s not uncommon for an Apple product launch to be riddled with issues including … Read More

Dinkum, Paid Search

Pay Per Click: how to get the best bang for your buck

by Paul Fleming On September 18, 2012

Pay Per Click advertising can be a great way to drive traffic to your site but in the wrong hands, it can burn money. If you bid on the wrong keywords or focus on the wrong audience, you can end up spending a fortune without any measurable return. If you want to dip into the … Read More

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